Crop Drops

After years of decent yields, a lack of rain caused a dip in Brazilian corn production last year, down a quarter in 2016 (25.7% lower) compared to 2015.

All the national territories saw long periods of drought, including key corn production areas of Cerrado (states of Minas Gerais, Goiás, Toncantins, Bahia, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and Piauí).

Soybean crop took a smaller, but noticeable hit, with 2016 production 4.5% lower than the 2015 yield despite a 3.2% increase in the acreage sown.

Extreme weather that affects a harvest, whether it’s long droughts, or excessive rainfall, brings an increased risk of mould growth on crops: the same crops that find their way into animal feed used globally.

Where there is mould, there is often Mycotoxins, and based on the Alltech 37+ results, fumonisins are the major threat to Brazil’s corn harvests from 2016.

Fumonisins were found in 92% of samples, with an average contamination of 4 parts per million (max: over 13.8 ppm), which when introduced into animal feed, present a high risk to pigs and a moderate one to starter poultry, breeders and layers.