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Rio Grande do Sul Region
There is still 20% of the area to be harvested in this region, but average yield is looking good. In most of the area there was delay in planting due to heavy rains. The climate contributed to increased productivity, but higher rainfall is making disease control challenging in some crops. This is also affecting grain quality.
Mato Grosso Region
State expectations of average soybean crop productivity have increased from 3,243kg/ha to 3,303 kg/ha. The area planted was 9.39 million hectares, corresponding to an increase of 85,000 hectares (an extra 0.91% in relation to the consolidated area recorded via satellite for the 15/16 harvest).
However, excessive rainfall, especially in the north west and western regions, has decimated some crops.
With increases in productivity data, production of the 2016/17 crop was raised to 31.04 million tons, representing an increase of 574,000 tons in relation to the previous forecast and a gain of 3.23 million tons against the harvest 15/16.
North Region of the
Triângulo Mineiro
High grain yields are being reported, with the soybean harvest closing and summer corn in full flow. Both grains are exceeding productivity expectations in terms of kg/ha.
It has rained throughout the harvesting process, but this has not adversely affected the harvest. Everything has run smoothly and on schedule.
Grain quality in both crops is good.
Patrocínio Region
The soybean crop has yielded well and has exceeded expectations, thanks once again to favourable weather conditions. The quality and yield of the second crop of corn is not yet known due to hydric stress and issues with spittlebug.
Triângulo Mineiro Region
The harvest is exceeding expectations thanks to favourable growing weather. Grain quality is good from early harvests, but later crops have been affected by rain and this has reduced quality on some farms.
Região São Gotardo Region
An excellent corn crop with high yields; harvest will be finished soon and regular rainfall at the right time has met crop needs.
Alto Paranaíba Region
The soybean crop has performed well and is averaging 3600kg/ha. The corn harvest is also exceeding expectations. The weather has been kind with rainfall meeting the needs of crops during the growth period. Final grain quality is expected to be average due to drought during harvest.
Planalto Central Region
The last soybean crop was the best of all time. The production of corn in the south west of Goiás state was good, meeting yield expectations. In other areas, it is likely that drought will harm the corn harvest and this, combined with low prices for grains, has reduced investment in the region.
Weather conditions have had a positive influence on the final quality of the soybean. Regular rainfall has helped and better maintenance of the leaf area of the crop (and a higher rate of photosynthesis) has resulting in a better average weight.