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Case study:
Hassan Feed breakthrough
Hassan Feed is a poultry feed mill producing 1,250 metric tonnes of feed for its farms having 30,000 birds capacity on each farm in the Sind region of Pakistan. The feed they produce is solely used on these farms, so quality feed is their top priority.
The farms were facing problems of severe enteritis in birds, which led to issues with mortality and reduced FCR. These challenges were present on 80% of the Hassan Feed farms. However, when tests were conducted to determine if a possible disease outbreak was the cause of these issues, the results came back negative.
Through Dr. Muhammad Salman, business development manager, Alltech Pakistan became aware of the problems at Hassan Feed. By assessing the situation, they were able to determine that the disease-related issues were connected to the feed given to the birds.
Alltech informed the feed mill about the Alltech® Mycotoxin Management program and how mycotoxins in the poor-quality corn fed to the flocks could be the cause of enteritis and poor performance. Feed samples were tested with Alltech® RAPIREAD™. The results came back positive for mycotoxins, with effective toxin levels easily capable of damaging the bird’s intestine and causing mortality and morbidity.
Additionally, the Mycotoxin Management Team provided feed mill services based on HACCP principles (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points). These specialist services are designed to identify areas of mycotoxin contamination risk and provide robust plans to minimize the threat to profitability of operations and animal health.
Mycosorb® was added to the feed and good-quality corn was included in the diets, leading to positive results. Hassan Feed will now be registered with Alltech. Tests will be conducted every month to monitor the status of mycotoxins in their feed samples and they will continue to use Mycosorb in all of their broiler diets.
For further information, contact your Alltech mycotoxin representative.